Millions of Americans are horrified by the 47th US president and plan to resist this administration’s dangerous policies as much as legally possible - via peaceful protests, shining a light on corruption and injustice, publicizing alternate viewpoints, regularly contacting our local and national elected officials, volunteering for and donating to like-minded organizations, voting in upcoming elections, and of course discussions with friends and families.
To break through the media echo chambers we all live in, we need to show our support of the Resistance IN REAL LIFE - via simple T-Shirts that express common sense, humorous or occasionally controversial viewpoints. The goal is to get more people aware of these progressive viewpoints and remind people that MANY of us have these points of view. These will definitely serve as interesting conversation starters.
Find your Resistance Gear here
See all available T-shirt Sayings below. All shirts are unisex. Purchases and shipping are limited to United States only. All transactions in US dollars.
Gear Up to show your support of the Resistance in Real Life!
T-Shirt Sayings available
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Make America Kind Again
Be the change you want to see in the world
We are NOT going back
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I am a Radical Left Lunatic
I am the Enemy Within
Democracy: Beating selfish tyrants since 1776
Make Lying Wrong Again
Make America not batshit crazy Again
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The president is not your daddy - He / She is your servant
If you are not outraged - You are not paying attention
Take my Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid - but only from my cold, dead hands
Equal rights for others - does not mean less rights for you It's not pie
FELON 47 is a Pathetic WAP (Weak Ass Pussy) * Draft dodger * Good little boy for Musk & Putin * Can't admit losing * Scared of truth & dissent
We elected the absolute worst guy for president ever - in the history of presidents, like nobody has ever seen, it's unbelievable
Keep F***ing Around. The Find Out part of this is going to be wild.
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The Handmaid's Tale is a warning, NOT a guide
I am one of those nasty women
I am not aspiring to be humble
Keep your government off my body
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There are more women than men - Don't mess with women
Women should not have to almost die - to receive medical care
I don't care who won - DON'T grab my pussy
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This is how Liberty dies, with thunderous applause. Padmé Amidala
I have a very bad feeling about this. Luke Skywalker
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There’s still some good in this world Mr. Frodo – and it’s worth fighting for. Samwise Gamgee
Have you any idea how much tyrants fear the people they oppress? - there is sure to be one that rises against them! Albus Dumbledore
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New Qualifications for POTUS - * Convicted Felon * Sexual Assault * Steal Secret Docs * Lead Insurrection * Fragile Ego
New Standard Qualifications for any job at the White House - * Ass kissing YES person * Mega Donor * P2025 * TV person * Nazi affiliated * Conspiracist * Russian ties
But, he'll run the country like a business - Failed Businesses: * Casinos * Airline * Football Team * Steaks * University * Vodka
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The Bible has nothing good to say about rich, selfish people
Nobody signed up for this Christian Nationalist BS
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We aren't the Taliban or Iran - Keep religion and government separate
0 = times Jesus mentioned abortion or homosexuality - 21 = times Jesus mentioned helping the poor and sick
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Immigrants * built my house * grow my food * commit less crime
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No, they are NOT "eating the pets" - that's BS to dehumanize hard working people that are here legally
Ok, some immigrants ARE poisoning the blood & MINDS of our country - * Elon Musk * Rupert Murdoch * Ted Cruz * Peter Thiel
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I like presidents who don't pardon domestic terrorists
I like presidents who aren't consumed with revenge
I like presidents who aren’t jealous of dictators
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I like presidents who aren't ok - with their VP being nearly killed by a mob
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Funny how the party of "Law and Order" is always doing crimes
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Funny how the party that yells "Support the Troops" - regularly votes to cut Veteran's benefits
Funny how the party that yells "Back the Blue" - is cool with pardoning people who assaulted cops
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To abandon facts is to abandon freedom
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Defeat tyrants - do not obey in advance
The problem isn’t government waste - The problem is that billionaires don’t pay taxes
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“In 4 years, you won't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not gonna have to vote." - Felon47 July 27 2024
"Elon knows those vote counting computers better than anybody. And we ended up winning PA like in a landslide. Thank you Elon." - Felon47 Jan 19 2025
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My pronouns are fuck/trump
Make America Gay Again
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You just might be gay - if you spend lots of time thinking about what gay people do behind closed doors
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Hitler was the bad guy
Nazis are the baddies
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"Lying Press" Hitler's slur to discredit journalists - who didn't kiss his ass. Sound familiar?
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You are closer to being a homeless person than being a billionaire
Elon Musk - one of the biggest Welfare Queens ever
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We now have government of the billionaires, by the billionaires, for the billionaires - We the people are not billionaires
Billionaires like when the economy crashes - so then they can buy up everything
Have we not learned the lesson of Scooby Doo? - The monster is always an old, greedy, rich dude
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Make Banks screw over the little guy Again
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Corporations are totally cool with Socialism - as long as they are the ones getting the "handouts"
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Union members sacrificed their lives - to give us 40 hour work week and OT pay
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Convicted Felons can't pass a background check - Why can they be president?
USA just got back with our ex - Who was supposed to be in prison. This won’t end well.
He should be in the big house - not in the White House
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Pro-lifers seem cool with lots of dead women
Anti-vaxxers seem cool with lots of dead kids
Make Iron Lungs Great Again
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Let’s stop pretending anything is going to “trickle-down”
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Tariffs led to the Great Depression - Make Depressions Great Again
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Think Globally, Act Locally
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Your grandkids will hate you - when you leave them a f****d up planet
Rivers used to catch on fire before the EPA was a thing - Companies will try to get away with anything if we let them
You know what's really bad for the economy? - Climate Change, it's REALLY BAD for the economy
You're right they are controlling the weather - It’s the fossil fuel companies driving climate change
ExxonMobil scientists warned their executives about climate change - over 50 years ago And decided to deny it ever since
You may not "believe" in climate change - but Insurance companies sure do
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Our military officers swear an oath to the Constitution - NOT to a person or ideology
Government employees swear an oath to the Constitution - NOT to a person or ideology
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Veterans are NOT suckers and losers
Military members can and should ignore unlawful orders
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Convicted Felons can't be in the US Military - Why can they be Commander in Chief?
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Billionaire owned media is deliberately misinforming you for their benefit
Foreign adversaries are intentionally misinforming us to divide America
Fox "News" paid $787M for lying about the 2020 election
Confidently, loudly, and repetitively spoken BS is still BS
Fragile FELON 47 wants OUR government to be a "safe space" for HIS Big Lie
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Media & Politicians are distracting us with Culture War BS - So we don’t realize we are all losing the Class War
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Country over party
One person, one vote
Billionaires & Corporations shouldn't be able to legally bribe politicians
We have the best government that money can buy. – Mark Twain
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There are more than 2 “sides” to every issue - 2 Parties isn’t enough
Most Red states are freeloading off of the Blue states - They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps
Enjoy your "Kakistocracy" - a government run by the most incompetent and corrupt people
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Why do we keep ignoring the "well regulated" part?
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We've tried thoughts & prayers - but kids are still being slaughtered Let's try something else
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Investing in Education is a lot cheaper than investing in Incarceration
We need to teach Critical Thinking, Media Literacy, History, Science & Ethics
"Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had." - William T Kelley at Wharton